Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Project Management and Leadership Conference with Angel was fantastic!  He was so excited about it that he wanted to share the experience with everyone back home.  So he asked the conference facilitators if they could hold the same conference in Quebrada Pastor -- and they agreed!  Then he went home, got 10 signatures of people who wanted to attend, and decided which were the most important sessions.  I didn't really have to do anything -- which is exactly how it should be!  We're shooting for September -- because, after the craziness of Tech Week is over, we'll need something else to keep us occupied!  (Before cacao season begins in earnest, anyway.)

One of the coolest things about the Conference was that we had a session called, "Llenando Tanques" -- or "Filling Tanks."  The idea is that all of us have a tank that can be filled with positive thoughts, words, and interactions, or emptied with negative ones.  We should always be striving to fill each others' tanks -- and just about every Peace Corps event involves putting our names on envelopes (our "tanks") and filling everyone's envelopes with nice thoughts.  During this session, however, before the envelopes, Volunteer-and-Counterpart pairs stood in front of the group and one-by-one said their nice thoughts to each other.  I told Angel basically a summary of what I wrote in the last post, and he told me that he loves me like his own daughters.  It was pretty powerful -- I even teared up a little.

I'll narrate some of the rest of what I've been up to with the following photos:

Surveying -- we're almost done!  With a little more information, I can start designing one (or two) aqueducts for two parts of the community without water in the house.  Then I can finally feel like an engineer again!  The leaders in each of these neighborhoods have been impressive in doggedly organizing work days and insisting that others are available to come help -- a good sign for work moving forward.

Some rainy afternoons spent with some good company -- Calvin and Hobbes, and Calvin and Hobbes.

After PML, I attended a Workshop for revising the Water Committee Seminar manual -- a great exercise in thinking through what it takes to effectively teach the (wide variety of) topics related to water system operation and maintenance.  We had a free evening, so we took a bus down the road to the tiny town of Rio Hato -- for the Mango Festival!  Aside from displays of dozens of kinds of mangoes (who knew there were so many?), there was also a parade and even a Mango Queen... on a float that was, of course, pulled by a John Deere tractor.

Another day of a surveying, another adventure -- I haven't seen a walking stick in ages!! This one made its acquaintance by falling on my head and getting its legs stuck in my braids.

Hiking adventure!  This is the view from the ridge, the highest reach of Quebrada Pastor, looking out over the Bocas archipelago.  This ridge -- of the first set of mountains rising up from the sea -- has a trail that stretches all the way from Chiriqui Grande to Almirante, the two port towns in the Bocas del Toro province.  Apparently, once upon a time, cattle were driven along this path.  Angel, Nayelis, and I walked a short section of it on our way to Quebrada Pita to visit Abby, one of my nearest Volunteers.  It was a tough hike, but a great adventure!

Monday, May 11, 2015


 I am currently en route to PML – Project Management and Leadership – Conference, in which I get to bring a counterpart from my community to do some leadership capacity-building.  I am bringing Ángel, my community guide, as my counterpart, because he is my favorite person in Quebrada Pastor.

It has long struck me that Ángel Caballero’s name is kind of funny, because “Ángel,” of course, also means angel in Spanish.  And “Caballero” means gentleman.  And I cannot think of how many times I have considered just how aptly named is this man.

I want to try paint a portrait of Ángel here, because he has been the single most important Panamanian in my life here in Panamá.

Ángel is 40-some years old, husband, father of five, grandfather of three, cacao farmer, handyman, chainsaw-operator, widely-respected community leader, twice the host father and three times the homeowner for Peace Corps Volunteers.  He considers himself more Panamanian than Ngöbe, though he can still speak and understand Ngäbere, even if he would rather not use it.  He primarily speaks Spanish, but also knows an impressive amount of guari-guari, the English creole language that many Afro-Caribbean residents of the Almirante and Bocas Islands area use, and that many Bocatoreños learn in an attempt to communicate with American and European tourists and do business with each other.

I met Ángel during my second week in Quebrada Pastor.  Lucas, my first community guide, who came to meet me in Panamá for my site visit, was unavailable to show me around, and so his wife directed me to Ángel’s house.  When I arrived, Blanca, Ángel’s wife, told me that he was out, but would be back soon.  I was desperate to have someone to guide me -- so I didn't lose myself in the jungle! -- so I sat and made small talk, waiting for him – for three hours.  The wait finally paid off when he returned home, and we made a plan to have him guide me around the community the following morning.  And then I was glued to his side for weeks, as he guided me to all the different parts of the community, spending entire days pasear-ing with me so I could get to know some people.

Ángel is the one person I always feel comfortable asking the awkward and challenging questions.  “Why does that woman have 6 kids, each with a different last name?”  “To put it bluntly, Alex, it’s because she is a woman of the street.”  And he is the one person in the community in whom I can confide about anything I experience that makes me uncomfortable – even if my discomfort seems to be entirely a matter of different culture.  As a host dad twice before, he understands my “gringo” perspective better than anyone else.  And he always allows me to feel that all the feelings I have are completely valid.  Ángel and his family are the only people in the community in front of whom I feel like I can cry.

Ángel gets the concept of Peace Corps.  Truly gets it.  There are few people here that I have seen embrace so completely the idea of sustainable development, but he preaches and practices it all the time.  He tells me, “If your representative comes by and gives you $5 so that you can buy dinner, that’s great, but what are you going to eat tomorrow?  I want my representative to teach me something that I can use the rest of my life.  I don’t want you just to give me a water tank.  I want you to teach me how to make it, because then I’ll have those skills forever.”  Yes, Ángel.  That is exactly what Peace Corps is trying to do.  That is exactly why I’m here.  And he takes advantage of the opportunities that come – whether working with me (to the greatest extent possible), or receiving training from government programs that teach how to improve cacao farming techniques and the like.

Ángel’s patience knows no bounds – he always gives me all the time I need to say whatever I want, helping me through the Spanish as I struggle to express myself, as I especially did, overcome with emotion, during the first few months in site.  He always wants to hear what I have to say, and will wait the time to let me say it, as cumbersome and unintelligible as it might be.  And then he miraculously understands what I am trying to communicate – to the point that he can reinterpret my thought in a more concise manner to anyone else who doesn’t understand me.  And he will always take the time to explain things so that I can understand – whether it is a tradition with which I am unfamiliar, or words I don’t know, or just anything that doesn't make sense to me – and he never makes me feel bad or stupid for not understanding.

Ángel and I are truly work counterparts – we can sit for hours bouncing ideas back and forth: How can we persuade these people that they want to spend their money on a latrine?  Who would be the best person to help me teach about construction during Tech Week?  Why do these people not want to work with me? What is the best way to deliver this message?  How can I contact this person without walking all the way to their house?  I admire his wisdom and insight, yet also his adaptability and open-mindedness.  I think it makes us a great team.  At the very least, I have a great time working with him.  In all the work that I do, I have some days when I feel like everything is possible, and other days when I feel like nothing is possible.  Days spent with Ángel tend to be Everything-Is-Possible days.

After all, Ángel is an incredible optimist.  He asks me to address his doubts and to assuage his fears about the work that we’re doing – and he always works through problems with me until we can find a solution, addressing my doubts and fears.  He is endlessly resourceful – as are most people in my community – and can often rely on this to make things happen.

Ángel laments to me the mindset of people – like his stepfather – who can’t see the bigger picture, who don’t understand the strength that can come from working as a group, who ask only, “What’s in it for me?  I don’t care if I can’t personally get anything out of this.”  He always works for the good of the community and is always willing to help out his friends, family, and neighbors.  He has the vision to work toward greater change and improvement in the future, and he tries to persuade others of it.  This ability strikes me as vital and special, since the same apathy that he laments plagues the world over and obstructs positive change everywhere.

When I bemoan a social norm that I find detrimental – something I will only ever say to Ángel – he jumps right on board with me:  Yes, young people need to understand the responsibility of parenthood before they go do things that result in having children.  Yes, it is better that they stay in school and finish their education – after all, that’s what I insist on telling my kids, he tells me.  He asks me how someone can call themselves a Christian when they spend day and night praying and wearing white head coverings but don’t act in charity and compassion towards others.

We talk about world politics – he is always listening to the news on the radio (which means most of the time he has a better idea of what is going on than I do).  We make quips like, “How many aqueducts do you think we could have built with all that Ebola prevention money / that baseball player’s salary / the money spent this week on war / etc.?”  We have talked about the impact of the 9/11 attacks on the US and on the world, and how much the US damaged its world reputation – from Panama’s perspective – by entering into the wars in the Middle East, and therefore how important it is to have things like Peace Corps, which show a different side of the US.

Ángel and Blanca seem to be equals and true life partners.  I have only ever seen them act with mutual respect -- which is something notable in the culture that has a very different concept of gender relations than I do (I'll probably write a post about that later).  Ángel is an affectionate father, who will get up to rock and hold and comfort the baby, will take care of the grandkids, will stay home and take care of the house when Blanca needs to leave the community.

Ángel recognizes the importance (especially in my culture) in expressing appreciation.  Gratitude is not a big thing in Ngöbe culture – it is a culture of expected sharing, probably developed long ago to aid in survival of the community, and so demands and expectations are normal, whereas there are no words in Ngäbere that explicitly express “please” or “thank you.”  But he always thanks me for everything I do, genuinely and sincerely.

I recognize that every individual in Quebrada Pastor is a complex person.  For example, my relationship with my host family is complicated – Willy is a complicated person, and as a result, my feelings about him are complicated.  Ángel is by no means perfect, either – there was that one time that he showed up to one of our meetings an hour late and drunk (though he still proceeded to participate in the meeting), and there was that one time that he ripped the lock apparatus on my kitchen door out of the wall because I wasn't home and he needed something in the house (his house, since I rent from him) – but unlike everyone else in the community, my feelings are absolutely unequivocal about him.  Aside from being an impressive and amazing human being, he is my best friend in Quebrada Pastor, a true mentor, and my real host dad, even if I lived in a different house.  I have been incredibly lucky to have some really wonderful mentors, besides my parents – in high school, college, and work (I hope I have sufficiently expressed as much to those of you reading this to know who you are) – and he most certainly must be added to that prestigious list.

Someday, I’ll figure out the best way to turn this all into Spanish in a way that makes sense to properly express my gratitude directly to Ángel himself.  But for the moment, I just want to paint a more vivid picture of Quebrada Pastor and my life here by portraying one of the best things about the place.  And aside from that, I’m looking forward to spending the next week at PML learning together – just like all of the weeks!

Thursday, May 7, 2015


This post is puras fotos!

My house!  Still looking pretty.  I love that flowers bloom all year round (even if I miss how pretty spring is at home).

The people of Quebrada Pastor decided to use their most significant leverage with the government – the highway upon which we are located – to petition for two more teachers at our school, since our art and religion teachers from last year were moved to different schools.  Roadblocks are a popular way of getting the government’s attention (as I also remember from working in Cruce de Blanco in the Dominican Republic with Engineers Without Borders when I was in college).

Matt came to visit me again!  Willy gave him a tour of the chocolate-making process, so Matt got to crack open cacao pods with a machete, just like I did back in September – and see the process all the way through to completion.

Vacation begins!  And much-needed after all the excitement from the beginning of the month.  Boquete is beautiful!!

And we ran into Nick, a fellow Peace Corps Volunteer from my group, also on vacation, with his parents, in Boquete!

Playa Las Lajas -- also very pretty -- great waves and beautiful sandy beach.