Saturday, January 16, 2016


I have not had much time to write -- busy getting ready to purchase materials to finally begin the construction of the two small aqueduct projects we've been working toward -- so just a few pictures from the last few weeks:

I got to be part of all kinds of graduations!

Graduation from 9th grade – “first cycle high school” – in Quebrada Pastor

And graduation from 12th grade – “second cycle high school” – in Almirante – in which you specialize in an area and earn a degree (I understand grades 10-12 here to be worth something like our equivalent of a 2-year college) -- I got to attend two of these, and one party afterward

Another part of the end-of-the-year celebrations: killing and butchering a cow at Ema's house.  Thankfully, I did not have to help (or observe anything except for the aftermath).  Look at the brain!!  (Apparently it makes a tasty gelatinous soup.  No thanks.)

And graduation from the Water Committee Seminar!  Collectively, over the course of 6 sessions, all the participants gained 462 hours of training.  The two Water Committees that were required to attend had 182 and 133 collective hours of training respectively.  Lots of help from other Volunteers to make that happen!

We all graduated 2015 and got to move on to 2016!  Big party at my house to welcome the New Year.

Elena and Matt came to visit me – which had to include a Chocolate Tour with Willy and family.  Elena “graduated” the tour with new skills in cacao harvesting and chocolate production.

We made it to the top of Volcán Barú, the highest point in Panamá (took us 7 hours to get up there, racing the sunrise)!  There’s a graduation with a reward!  View of both oceans and pretty much the whole country.  

Pretty sure Quebrada Pastor is right… about… there…