Friday, June 13, 2014

Los Blog

Bienvenidos a Los Blog!

I often like to begin things with a limerick:

As my time for departure grows near
To be a Peace Corps Panama volunteer
Send me off, in style --
Please come for a while,
And share in a party of good cheer!

Regardless of whether or not you were physically present at my sending-off party in Missouri, you -- as a member of my audience -- are invited to THIS party, the one that will take place for approximately the next 27 months, right here on this blog.

I intend Panama Ponderings to be a means of connecting with my friends and family "back home" -- that is, all of you reading this. If you are not a member of that primary audience, you are still welcome here, and I hope you can learn something useful about the experience of a Peace Corps Environmental Health Volunteer in Panama.

As I have been talking to friends and family about my Peace Corps invitation, I have received many requests for some way of keeping in touch and sharing my experiences. I struggled with the concept of the blog -- I keep a private journal for myself, and I don't make a habit of posting my thoughts all over the internet -- but I decided that in the absence of the easy communication and travel to which I have become accustomed, I could use a blog to most easily share my Peace Corps stories (and pictures and limericks) in one location with everyone who is interested. This way, if I have little access to communication, I can share posts when the internet is available, all of you can read the posts at your leisure, and I need only tell the big stories to everyone once. You can use this to get an idea of what is going on, and I can use this as an outlet to my world back home.

So, please, I welcome your comments directly on the blog posts, if that is the best way to keep in touch, or else email, or facebook, or making arrangements for skype or phone calls. I want to stay in contact and know what is going on with you, too!

I am excited to begin this journey in just a few days!

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